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Facilitating an Endoscope Exchange Mid-Procedure Video

Facilitating an Endoscope Exchange Mid-Procedure

Dr. Mohamed Othman shows how fast cleaning or exchanging the endoscope during a polypectomy can be with DiLumen™’s assistance.
DiLumen™ and Perforation Closures Video

DiLumen™ and Perforation Closures

Mohamed Othman, MD, demonstrates DiLumen™'s conduit design.
DiLumen™ and Enhanced Tissue Manipulation Video

DiLumen™ and Enhanced Tissue Manipulation

Mohamed Othman, MD demonstrates how DiLumen™ is used to close large defects following polypectomy
DiLumen™ Saves Time Video

DiLumen™ Saves Time

DiLumen’s dual-balloon interventional platform helps gastroenterologists save time with complex polypectomies. Here is a great head-to head video (DiLumen ESD vs. Conventional ESD), from Dr. Sergey Kantsevoy of Mercy Medical Center in Baltimore.
DDW Highlights 2020 DiLumen™ Poster & Podium Sessions Video

DDW Highlights 2020 DiLumen™ Poster & Podium Sessions

Originally broadcast on May 27, 2020 - DiLumen Oral Presentations and Posters
DiLumen™ EIP in the Community Hospital Setting: Developing Successful EMR Programs for Complex Polypectomy Video

DiLumen™ EIP in the Community Hospital Setting: Developing Successful EMR Programs for Complex Polypectomy

Webcast originally broadcast on May 20, 2020 featuring Patrick Saitta, MD
The Conduit Function of the DiLumen™ EIP Video

The Conduit Function of the DiLumen™ EIP

David L. Diehl, MD demonstrates how the DiLumen™ double balloon platform can be used multiple times and for various purposes as a conduit during complex polypectomy procedures.
DiLumen™ EIP – Techniques, Indications and Latest Clinical Updates Video

DiLumen™ EIP – Techniques, Indications and Latest Clinical Updates

Webcast originally broadcast April 22, 2020, featuring Sergey Kantsevoy, MD
Effective Colon Shortening Technique Featuring DiLumen™ EIP Video

Effective Colon Shortening Technique Featuring DiLumen™ EIP

David L. Diehl, MD demonstrates how the DiLumen™ double balloon platform can effectively reduce sigmoid looping and shorten the colon, improving reach and control during complex polypectomy procedures.
DiLumen™ EIP - The Journey from Point A to B Video

DiLumen™ EIP - The Journey from Point A to B

Webcast originally broadcast April 15-16, 2020, featuring Mohamed Othman, MD
Use of a Double Balloon Endoscopic Platform to Facilitation en bloc EMR Video

Use of a Double Balloon Endoscopic Platform to Facilitation en bloc EMR

David Diehl, MD, uses the DiLumen™ double balloon platform to assist in the resection of a large polyp at the splenic flexure.
Clinical Experience with DiLumen: Polyp Resection via EMR at the Splenic Flexure Video

Clinical Experience with DiLumen: Polyp Resection via EMR at the Splenic Flexure

In this DiLumen-assisted EMR case, Joo Ha Hwang, MD, PhD, uses the DiLumen™ Endoluminal Interventional Platform (EIP) for Polyp Resection at the Splenic Flexure.

Showing 25 - 36 of 41 results

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