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Successful Diagnostic and Therapeutic Intervention via a Double Balloon Platform following Three Prior Incomplete Colonoscopies
The DiLumen’s role in facilitating this challenging colonoscopy, which included an EMR and two ESDs of large and complex polyps, cannot be overstated.
Unveiling DiLumen EZ-1
Presenting EZ-1, a DiLumen product optimized for Endoluminal Mucosal Resection (EMR) and complex colonoscopies.
DiLumen® Creates a Therapeutic Zone that Facilitates Underwater EMR
A video case report by Dr. Eduardo Albéniz, Complejo Hospitalario de Navarra – Pamplona, Navarra, Spain.
Complex Colon Polypectomy in the Community Setting
As a GI professional working in the community setting, Dr. Patrick Saitta discusses some of his experience and strategies with complex colon polypectomies.
DiLumen® Assisted En Bloc EMR
A significant polyp, missed during a screening colonoscopy, is discovered at the splenic flexure using DiLumen’s dual-balloon system.
Innovative Surgical Platform Improves the Safety and Speed of Endoluminal Procedures
Today's newer, advanced devices with overtube capability are helpful for facilitating endoscopic interventions.
DiLumen™ Provides Endoscopic Stability
The key to a timesaving endoluminal procedure is reliable stability of the endoscope—especially when the polyp is on a fold or flexure. Dr. David Diehl from Geisinger Medical Center shows, via a split-screen comparison, how effective DiLumen™ can be over free-hand EMR procedures.
DiLumen™ Enhances EMR Procedures
DiLumen™ is also used in EMR cases, because it imparts more stability to the endoscope and improves visualization through its dual-balloon design.
Facilitating an Endoscope Exchange Mid-Procedure
Dr. Mohamed Othman shows how fast cleaning or exchanging the endoscope during a polypectomy can be with DiLumen™’s assistance.
DiLumen™ - Assisted Colonic Underwater Endoscopic Mucosal Resection: Clinical Case Report
Following a routine surveillance colonoscopy, a 78-year-old female was scheduled for endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) at Gregorio Marañón Hospital for a 2cm lesion located in the transverse colon.
The Conduit Function of the DiLumen™ EIP
David L. Diehl, MD demonstrates how the DiLumen™ double balloon platform can be used multiple times and for various purposes as a conduit during complex polypectomy procedures.
Effective Colon Shortening Technique Featuring DiLumen™ EIP
David L. Diehl, MD demonstrates how the DiLumen™ double balloon platform can effectively reduce sigmoid looping and shorten the colon, improving reach and control during complex polypectomy procedures.