Chapters Transcript Video DiLumen® Creates a Therapeutic Zone that Facilitates Underwater EMR A video case report by Dr. Eduardo Albéniz, Complejo Hospitalario de Navarra – Pamplona, Navarra, Spain. See this video in Spanish: DiLumen® crea una zona terapeútica que facilita la URME. Here we have a 71 year old male refer with a flat vision on the right column. The colonoscopy was difficult and the access to the body was unstable. We certainly Colin white. The case was referred for U. S. D. But when we saw the lesson we decided to perform an underwater EMR. So we had a perfect weapon development platform. Now we are sorting the column in the column. You can say that we are working near the sequel In this this part of the video we are deploying the four balloon and we have deployed also the after balloon to have a good stabilization Between the two balloons. We introduced water so it's very easy to create water space. Now we can see the polyp. We decided to perform an underwater EMR instead of E. S. D. Because it was not very big collision. Now we can see that we can flatten also the Listen it is not very easily. We tried to cut Listen with all the listening one piece. This is what our faith first and main intention but when we are cutting We saw a remaining tissue on one side but nothing happens. This is our first card but we had remaining doing when it took third of the bullet. So we needed another another second card. We feel again with cleaner water. We can see the polyp very easily will be open this now and always we try to cut collision. And good margins was removed with two cuts. Now we introduce water so we see very clear the same space, no remaining tissue at all. We don't need endoscopy party. After that we remove the lesion through the development platform. So this is is an important faction of the element is the convict faction so we can remove the under scope all the time that we need. We remove the the four balloon and we maintained the after balloon. Now we see some vessels and we use the deep of the snare to make softy coagulation. But thinking about the person after we decided to click the listen because it was uh patients with comorbidities. We are working in the right column and the listen was over two cm. So we decided we decided to cannibalism and with free clips. So here we can see a case where the lumen was very effective. Thank you for your attention. Published July 18, 2022 Created by