Chapters Transcript Video ESD with DiLumen® Provides Traction at the Splenic Flexure A video case report by Dr. Eduardo Albéniz, Complejo Hospitalario de Navarra – Pamplona, Navarra, Spain. See this video in Spanish: DiLumen® proporciona tracción en DSE en ángulo esplénico. Hello here we have the case of assistance. Six year old male referred to a resection on E. S. T. It was a lesion in the lecture and in this case I've used all the function of the development platform. So first of all we have sort in the the length of the of the device or a certain length of the column have reached to be stable. It was a trickle ism in the splenic angle I tried to be listening. The giant classification and the final result of the pathological exam was highway displaced. After being stable We deployed the four balloons trying trying with the form alone to look for a good traction. Now we are with intention the first cut due to that we are going to use attraction of the lesion. We have to get all the conference. First of all we do the pistol cut. We have been some aggressive space. Of course we can inject trying to be as much safe as possible. And now we are using another ability of the development platform is the traction ability. We are using the small future and after we attach the small center with two clips at least otherwise you can you can you can miss it. And now we applied Attention to the development platform with the four balloons and you can adjust all the time, attention that you need. It was a fatalism and the other ability that reduced a lot of time investigating this case. eight times we removed the endoscope over the years the land on the endoscope because and this thing was really fatty so we are near them near the muscle. We have to maintain to avoid main lessons we are cutting with different different currents right now it but you can buy most of the most of the vessels of collisions. We are quite close to the muscle and always the land are dirty and due to the fact so we need to clean many many times as I told you the endoscope. So we have almost all the functions of the of the device, certain stability stabilization, traction and the convertibility to remove the. Yeah right right cutting you use the cat function the fat decrease your visualization so much. But you need to clean the underscore many times. It was a long long procedure but we really decrease the length of the procedure with the Illumina platform or some cats. Normally I perform all my procedures only within one night. But this case was really difficult. Also an isolated knife. I think I'm nice to cut the edges and some parts of pollution. So here you can see that we have removed the collision but the vision is attached to the to the device. So in this case we have to remove the under scope and the device of course we deflate the balloons and here the specimen is attached to the development dude, that's so true. You can see a specimen. Now we see how how the muscle layer is. We touched a little in one point. Close equipment which means it was not, it wasn't a deep. You must not eat that and the final result of the of the S. D. It was a difficult case. Thank you for your attention and thanks to the men, because this way we could finish our usd successfully this time. Published July 18, 2022 Created by