Chapters Transcript Video DiLumen® Provides Stability in a Difficult Hepatic Flexure Lesion A video case report by Dr. Eduardo Albéniz, Complejo Hospitalario de Navarra – Pamplona, Navarra, Spain. See this video in Spanish: DiLumen® proporciona estabilidad en una lesión difícil en ángulo hepático. Here we have the case of a 70 years old, male patient refer for resection, refer for psd. Now you can see how is the preparation of the aluminum platform. Now it's very easy just to put some water seven cell line inside that element. And it's very easy to move the endoscope inside the element. This uh flat lesion in the paddock flex, er very difficult to reach, very difficult to maintain the position. It was a listen at the end with high rate displeasure. Now we are marking. Normally we don't mark and here you can see that a scar on the lesion. The issue had a small tattoo and and as small as car due to previous manipulation. In this case, we try to use the two balloons before and after balloon but we couldn't use it So we couldn't deploy currently the four balloons. But the after balloon was really helpful for us to maintain a weak position, a stable position. So we mark we cut and we decided to to perform a standard traction with river banks. So here you can see the four balloon but we couldn't reach a good position. We had two elements. Sometimes this happened but but we select this kind of approach with standard rubber bands and clips. We performed traction. Always we put two or 3 clicks in the band with Alicia and it was a very difficult due to fat fibrosis. So the development platform help us to remove the endoscope many times to clean the lands into the father. Sometimes we had to we had to cut in line blind manner. So we use this kind of this kind of knife. We use the the knife, dual knife. And the 89 oh because we had to cut in some blind blind manner. Yeah, you can see nice nice injection but not in something all the parts of the region we're cutting the edge of so we can remove the endoscope, Jeannie insert again in two minutes. We are in the same position. This is a good ability of the platform stabilization. You can remove the endoscope, you can go again with the listen with your work you don't lose the position. Now it's almost done. It was a long procedure but the use of the element in this case was critical. Otherwise probably date E. S. D. This has been a very very very long procedure. Now we are removing the clip that is maintaining attraction. We can remove the the specimen through development platform. I'm going again to see how these cars. So we are in the right color. We haven't touched the muscle deeply but we decided to clip to avoid the labor formation or other complications if we can. We we did a closer and that's all we found in this case. Really critical the use of the element. So thank you very much for your attention Published July 18, 2022 Created by